Sanjani is a traditional CKP Maharastrian Sweet prepared on the occasion of Shitala Saptami which is the 7th day of Shrawan month. The main ingredients are rice rava and coconut milk. There are many steps involved in the preparation and it may be laborious to get everything in place. The result is a delicious sanjani with delicate coconut milk flavour and saffron.
200 grams rice rava
1tsp ghee
100 grams sugar
1 coconut
Saffron strands as per choice
Cardamom powder as per choice
Extract fresh coconut milk. Here we need thick and thin milk. The first extract is the thick milk. Again add warm water couple of times and this extract is the thin extract. Keep both the extracts separately.
Take rice rava or idli rava. Here I have used homemade rice rava which is prepared with basmati rice. Wash and dry rice grains for 24 hours. When it is completely dried, grind it coarse like rava texture. It is recommended to use aromatic rice variety as it will impart flavour to sanjani.
Now roast the rava lightly with ghee in a pan for 5 minutes. Then add thin coconut milk little by little. Keep the flame low. Dissolve all the lumps with a whisk. When the mixture reaches thick consistency add sugar and cardamom dissolved in milk. Add a pinch of salt.
The consistency of the mixture is important at this time. It should be slightly thicker than idli batter. Turn off the flame and add the thick coconut milk extract. Let it stand for 15-20 minutes.
Now grease steel plates or dhokla plates which will fit in cooker. Alternatively aluminum tray can be used which can be steamed in a pan of water. Pour the mixture in appropriate plates and steam for 15-20 minutes. The time may depend on how thick or thin the mixture is. When skewer comes out clean, sanjani is ready.
Allow it to cool completely, Cut into pieces of own choice. Delicious sanjani is ready.